17 July, 2011

Saturday came in cool and wet, but we set off hoping to get beyond Halifax. There was the odd shower about and not a lot of wind, in spite of the weathermen blithely forecasting a F6 for later. For all that, we managed to sail all day.

After lunch we were not far off Sambro Harbour; it sounded appealing in the cruising guide, so we decided to put in and dropped the hook just after 3 o’clock, feeling quite chilled and in need of hot grog. 

Sambro is a tidy little commercial harbour, with a tiny marina which has room for 3 or 4 small visiting boats and 4 mooring buoys laid, also for visitors. These facilities made us feel we were welcome. 

 We put the dinghy in the water and went ashore to have a look round. There is not much in Sambro – a couple of stores and a number of houses – but it was good to stretch our legs and all the locals we spoke to were friendly. But it was still cool, and once back on board, I cooked a thick and warming hotpot for our dinner.

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