02 September, 2014

As soon as I arrived in New Zealand, I felt that I had come home, and this is probably why I have so little temptation to leave.  I can't say that I was ever looking for 'home', or at least not consciously: it's just one of those things.

Perhaps the true test of love is being able to see faults in the beloved, but still to accept it/her/him.  This applies to my feelings for NZ: I can see the faults, and with an election just around the corner, they are even more glaring than usual, but overall I am happy here.  And I can try to get involved in issues I care about, say my piece and vote for those who put the country and her inhabitants before the acquisition of personal financial gain.

I recently went to a concert by a ukulele trio who sum up all that I love about NZ: but better still, their music is quintessentially Kiwi.  You need to live here to understand some of it, but that is why it's so true.  Most of it is loving, but occasionally they voice their concerns, and when they do, they don't pull their punches.  See if you can get to hear some of it.  The Nukes are virtuoso instrumentalists - you never knew the humble uke could sound like this - inspired songwriters and brilliant performers.  They have made two albums and you can download a track, The Last Kauri from their most recent one, for free. 


  1. Anonymous12:04 am

    I read your book Voyaging on a small income a "few" years ago while I was thinking of doing long term sailing (I had a Nic 32) and wondered how you guys had been doing. I moved from the UK to NZ in 2003 and sort of left the voyaging side of life. I now live in near the Bay of Islands. How interesting to see you are now in NZ! It is a great country with wonderful people. I hope you enjoy your life here and if you ever need anyone to tweak a line when you are up this way, let me know! martinflieslsa at gmail dot com

  2. Hi do you ever venture to Brisbane? I would love to pay for a lesson on the 40ft badger I have just bought. sylibbtata at gmail dot com

  3. Love new Zealand http://www.trevorhill.org

  4. www.trevorhill - you have great taste!
