29 July, 2018

Fiddly bits

Sometimes it seems that all I do is to fit something, take it out, fit it, take it out again ...  I am so concerned about messing things up that I fall over backwards to make sure I haven't.  Still, better than the other way, I suppose.

 The backrest was a case in point, with my wanting to be sure that it would fit the shelves properly.  They are only 6mm, so if there were too many gaps in the joint, they wouldn't be properly supported.  The back rest rises above the top shelf - it provides a good handhold, that way - but makes for a very narrow shelf at the after end.  It was a bit of a mission to fillet, as you can imagine.

 Once in, however, it felt nice and strong and has provided half a dozen handy lockers.  As this will (one day!) be the guest berth, a couple of these will probably be left empty.

The concept of the galley, which as David so correctly pointed out is the heart of my boat (I like to think I live in my galley rather than cook in my boat), is taking shape.  I loathe top-opening lockers in the counter top, because (a) you always have something on them when you want to access them and (b) bits fall into them making them messy.

 But corner cupboards create problems of access.  My plan, however, is to fit the cooker aft and a stack of drawers in the equivalent place forward.  This will leave an adequately wide bench but mean that even my short arms should reach into the nether regions of the corner lockers.  However, the sink will have to go in the middle of the bench, which will be a nuisance at times, but even I have to make some compromises.

 I made an MDF bench to give me an idea of heights, spaces, etc.  As you can see, Cox's Law of Horizontal Surfaces immediately came into effect, in spite of the MDF being 6mm and therefore very flexible!  I also tacked up a small piece of headliner ply and it made me very pleased that I have added 30mm to the headroom.

 I have finally cleaned up all the portholes and fitted them.  Then I had to take them out of the forecabin again to varnish them (it will give me a holiday from polishing until it starts to peel off) and put sealant around the glass.  Then they can go in permanently and what a relief that will be.

 Another job I was picking away at was doing the trim around the headliner in the heads.  The centre piece was easy, the rest varied from fiddly to a nightmare.  I simply cannot work out what angle to cut the wood unless I have a length in my hand to offer up.  Then I had to fit quadrant around the never-to-be-sufficiently-cursed butt block: to make a neat job was an insuperable problem.  The best I could manage was 'well, it could be worse'.  And of course one of the pieces along the camber broke again at the hole for the panel pin.  If my joinery were good enough, of course, I wouldn't need the trim (although it does make it look more attractive).  But then if my joinery were that good, the trim wouldn't be a problem!  The overall effect is pleasing though, especially if I leave my glasses off.

And back in the saloon, the fiddle for the seat cushions has also been on and off half a dozen times, while I think about the bunk extension, the table, the cabin sole, etc.  What a day it will be when there are actually some cushions to be kept in place!

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