In addition to the cockpit, I have also had to consider the storage under it. I have a rooted objection to deep cockpit lockers that can get filled with water and which go deep down into the boat, so that many of the objects stored there are almost impossible to retrieve. I wanted a nice, dry lazarette, which I can access with ease at present, and hopefully without too much difficulty for another 10 years or so before old age puts an end to such gymnastics.
I had a boat; I had a model; I had drawings. They all told a slightly different story. The latter two were finally dismissed as more of a distraction than an aid and I started again from scratch. Please keep your fingers crossed that I've done it right!
Since I couldn't make any decisions without the Big Black Beast in place, this had to be manhandled onto the stern. The BBB is nearly as tall as I am and about half my weight. Thankfully, my friends Rob and Maren have their boat at Norsand and are both bigger and stronger than I, so that solved that little problem. Of course one of the bolts to hold it in place was seized.
The BBB looked enormous. In this photo the drive leg is resting on the bottom of the boat right at the stern.
Tipped horizontally, it seemed even larger! Obviously, the first thing to do was to cut a slot so that it could hang vertically - and the question on every lip was would the propeller be in the right place. It needs a slot 6" (153 mm) wide. Thankfully, I had a 6" hole saw.
With my trusty Japanese saw, I cut out the rest of the bottom of the boat, which wasn't the easiest job I've ever done. And thankfully, the anti-cavitation plate was 60mm below the bottom of the boat. 50mm is the recommendation, with an addendum that where thrust is more important than speed, an extra 10mm should be added. We got that bit right!
I had already done preliminary framing for the cockpit before fitting the motor, but the BBB's presence made me realise that Plan A wasn't going to work. After a couple of days of looking at drawings, model and boat I realised that nor were Plans B, C and D. This was when I abandoned all preconceptions and started to deal entirely with harsh reality. The first obvious point was that the seats needed to be raised, which meant that the cockpit sole had to be raised and the bridgedeck and, therefore, the sill into the saloon. I'm small, as we all know, but would like to welcome guests down below. Most people I know managed to get down below on Fantail with only a few complaints. I put in a new sill a few mm lower than the one on Fantail. Sorry, friends, it's the best I can do.
My idea is to have the cockpit seating extending right out to the side of the boat. There will be back rests and lockers built behind these for gear that can get wet. The lids of these lockers will provide additional seating which will be great if I have friends on board, or in hot weather when I want to be able to feel the breeze. Things were still somewhat tentative at this stage: I wanted the BBB to stay in place to get a proper feel for how the spaces worked.
This meant my manhandling a sheet of plywood 1040 x 1430 rather more times than I care to think, up the ladder, over the side of the boat and down onto its framework while I marked, planed and fitted it several times. After a bit of tweaking of various pieces of framing timber, I decided it should probably do the job.
Finally, the BBB could be removed and fitting the mirror image piece was straightforward.
At this stage, it behoved me to think about the lazarette under the cockpit. It is certainly going to be easier to fit it out before the cockpit itself is in place. I need 20 litre containers for my cooking fuel and I need storage for items like paint, tools, bosun's stores, spare fastenings, glue, etc, etc. I'm now regretting having given some of my empty 20l epoxy containers away. Just between you and me, my enthusiasm for building lockers is waning and the space under and around the cockpit is HUGE. The wood entailed in making lots of lockers will weigh a good few kilos, but worse, a person will feel a duty to fill said lockers and they will hold a lot. It occurred to me that a better plan might be to use plastic boxes on shelves as being a highly inefficient use of space and therefore saving a fair bit of weight in a critical part of the boat. I have some mega boxes (courtesy of Rob and Maren) that I am storing my Stuff in, so I tried these for size. I could make storage for them, but they were going to be a nightmare to person-handle about: something about a third of the size would make more sense, so I bought a sample from the Red Shed.
Back to mocking up (can I get head and shoulders in this space; can I reach that far back?) and I concluded that what is required is a shelf for 40l of meths down low and a shelf above this and outboard for 4, 26l plastic boxes.
I had had an excessively complicated plan of boxing in the meths entirely, due to a desire to have a pump for one container to save having to lift it and decant from it. My friend Gordon looked at my empty WEST drums, looked at the full one and asked why I didn't use on the their mini-pumps for the meths. Duh. Sometimes I can't see the wood for the trees.
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